Category Archives: Future

Lamborghini Egoista front and side view

Will Lamborghini ever make a single-seat car?

What is the Lamborghini Egoista?

Lamborghini now has a four/five seat car in its lineup with the Urus, so it’s understandable if people are thinking they could one day go the other way and build a street car that just has a driver’s seat. Though that remains to be seen, you have to see the Lamborghini Egoista. What is the Lamborghini Egoista?  Please allow us to introduce you. Read the rest of this entry >>

Lamborghini Urus ST-X Concept front view

Can the Urus be a racecar?

What is the Lamborghini Urus ST-X concept?

Lamborghini has a long racing pedigree going back to the first days of the company. They have always strived to put their best up against the world, and that’s why they went ahead and built the Urus ST-X. What is the Lamborghini Urus ST-X concept? It’s essentially a racing version of the new Lamborghini SSUV, and we have all the details. Read the rest of this entry >>